Managing Your Devices - Exosphere

How to add, remove and manage your devices on the Exosphere Platform.

First, navigate to the Exosphere portal and sign into your account.

Devices listed on your account

The device limit and a list of devices currently on your account are shown under "Devices". Devices are listed by MAC Address.


How to add a device to your account

Most computers and smartphones will automatically be added to your account when they sign on to the secure wireless network with a username and password.

Some devices such as game consoles that do not have a compatible web browser need to be added to your account manually before they can access the internet. 

  1. Identify the MAC Address of your device (Please see our comprehensive help center articles on how to locate the MAC address of a range of common devices.)
  2. From the same 'Device' menu tab, type in the MAC address of your device in the top right-hand window. Click the red 'Add Device' button to save.


  3. Restart your device and connect it to the network.

How to identify or name your your devices

To help keep track of your devices, you can add a descriptive name and an icon from your account.

First, click on the 'Edit' icon listed next to your device:

In the pop-up window, you can type a unique name for your device in 'Identifier' and then selecting an icon from the drop down list in 'Type'. Once you've made you selection, hit the red button for 'Save'.


How to remove a device from your account

1. Select the RUBBISH BIN icon to remove a device from your account.


2. CONFIRM you want to remove the chosen device in the pop-up window.

Note: Active connections on all devices associated with a profile will be dropped when one device is removed.

Device limit

The number of devices you can have on your account at any one time is limited. You can change your devices as often as necessary.

If you have too many devices on your account, your login will fail and you will be asked to confirm the devices on your account.
You will be able to see your site's concurrent device limit from your account dashboard under 'Concurrent Devices'

Common Issues

Some devices have a feature known as MAC randomisation or MAC privatisation. These features can lead to your account being filled with temporary addresses that are not in use or prevent authentication on the portal. To prevent this you can disable the feature by following some of the most popular device guides below:

Disable MAC randomisation - Android
Disable MAC randomisation - iOS
Disable MAC randomisation - Windows 10 & 11

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