Exosphere Casual or Event Account Creation Guide

How to create a Casual or Event account on Exosphere

To create your account and access the Wi-Fi, please follow the steps below:

First, please open your Wi-Fi settings and select your site's Wi-Fi to connect to.

After selecting the Superloop Wi-Fi network, the portal page should prompt automatically. If not, or you see a message saying "Connected no Internet", open an incognito / private browser window and navigate to exosphere.works or accounts.exosphere.works.

Next, click 'Create Account' and follow the steps through to create an account.

You will be prompted to select a package during set up - these packages are valid for 30 days and start your billing cycle. 
If you are accessing the Wi-fi as part of an event or conference, instead of selecting a package on step 2, enter the Access Code provided to you by on-site staff in the window for "Access Code".

Please refer the below image for reference.

Please be advised you must be connected to the Wi-Fi network before attempting to navigate to the portal page. The portal page to log in will not work if you are using mobile data.

From there you should be able to access the Wi-fi and see your account.

If you have any questions, please contact our Support Team at wifisupport@superloop.com.

(Please note that some sites have cabled access only and will require a router for set-up)


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