Upgrade or Change your plan


Changes to your plan can be made immediately or scheduled for the next plan renewal (billing cycle).

You can view the various plans/upgrades available to you and make changes in the Q2 portal.

To Upgrade or Change Your Plan

1. Open your web browser and sign on to the Q2 Portal

2. Select the 'Purchase Plan' button under Your Plan Information

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3. Select a plan and select 'Confirm'. Then, click on 'Purchase now'

4. A confirmation message will be displayed after a successful transaction.

A receipt/invoice as confirmation of payment and plan change will be sent to your registered e-mail address. If you make a mistake with the plan upgrade process, please contact us immediately.

Need help?

If you are unsure about something or need some assistance with changing your plan, please contact our support team at smart.help@superloop.com

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