Collecting Network Diagnostics

Send additional technical information about your PC or Mac by collecting diagnostic information



If you are having trouble with your connection, our helpdesk team may ask you to provide us with network diagnostic information from your devices.

Diagnostics provides us with information about your network adapter, wireless environment, and connection speed. This data better enables us to investigate your issue and assists in providing support.


1. Perform a Speed Test


To perform a speed test, open your web browser and visit

The test will measure your current download speed. Allow a moment for the test to complete.


Please capture a screenshot of this information and send it with your diagnostic.

How to Screen Capture in MacOS:

How to Screen Capture in Windows:


2. Collect the diagnostic information


Diagnostics can be collected from either a Windows PC/Laptop or an Apple Mac. Please follow the appropriate link below for detailed instructions on how to perform the test on your device.

3. Send the information to us


Upload the diagnostic files via chat or email to or or upload the file at It is important to include all the right details when sending us the log files.


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